Canva Pro

Access all photo, element, video, and audio library, no extra cost with Canva. Create, edit and save premium videos for any platform. Click to remove image backgrounds, perfect for product photos, headshots, or transparent PNGs.

BDT 99.00 BDT
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1 Month | 99BDT

3 Months | 199BDT

Access all the features of Canva Pro:

·Instant animation

Experience the easiest way to animate your graphic and watchyour designs come alive.

·Schedule social

Canva Schedule is the social media tool that gets you seen.Post and engage on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter.



Browse through our selection of free templates and create andcustomize a design for any occasion.


·Transparent Images

Tired of pesky backgrounds? You can now download PNG imageswith transparent backgrounds.


·Team templates

Simply publish a design as a template and the design willautomatically be added to your brand page.


·Resize designs

Resize your work in any design type with just a click.


·Brand kit

Ensure on-brand content by uploading your logo and fonts.Plus, customize your color palettes.

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·Design Together

Organize your designs in a snap by creating folders in youraccount.